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torstai 27. helmikuuta 2025

Science seeks a connection to outer space. There is a connection from inner space.


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Interesting, new to science.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Science seeks a connection to outer space. There is a connection from inner space.

 Science is searching for a connection to outer space . The search for intelligent life has become valuable. With all the equipment and expensive experiments involved. Why aren't the answers just found, or gotten from outer space?

There is an answer to this question.  Intelligent life in its various forms is in a common connection with each other, to which we, the inhabitants of the earth, also belong. This probably seems too difficult to understand, i.e. to believe? Because there is no reliable justification, a connection, for the claim. I, the author; Hannu Warvas,  would not like to let readers know such an important  secret.  Would I still leave the connection a secret?  Actually, I cannot help  but present the information that I have. 

The element below is part of the greatest scientific intelligence in the universe. Its value cannot be measured in money.

Antimaterial intelligence: In the invisible Heaven there are antimaterial substances.  Masses of spheres from which everything is built, nature with everything, people with their clothes, houses with their equipment. This area is as vast as the visible.  THIS IS INNER SPACE. Within outer space there is inner space. 

I am putting up a picture that is the connection of all space. Elements are everywhere in space. Anti-material, made by the highest intelligence. Through this, nothing is secret, speeches and thoughts, as well as video images are transmitted effortlessly. With the help of elements, you can move in time, either forward or backward. Time and distance have been overcome.

Who can read the coordinates of the image? This element is just part of a larger system. The element is completely anti-material. Magnified 3200 times.

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